Saturday, March 19, 2016

Facebook :- Friend Request Sent

We all have one or two Facebook profile, two is because sometime we forget one's password or it gets locked due to heavy friends request sent or for reason of friends request rejection.We all are active on Facebook, especially teens who don't have any work other than studies during exam.

Facebook connects people from each and every part of the world where internet connection is available and accessible. 

There are some questions which needs to be answered by Teenagers which are :

  • Are we really doing good on Facebook ?

  • Huge friends list?, for numbers purpose or we like to connect and communicate with new people from all over the World?

The new trend on Facebook is to accept friends request and increase the numbers and ignore the chat pop-ups from newly connected people. But do we really think if we don't want to communicate with or don't want to connect with New people then WHY ARE WE ACCEPTING FRIENDS REQUEST?

If we Just want to connect and communicate with Our Real friends only then we must not accept friends request from unknowns, Secondly if we are accepting it then we must respect the other end person and reply back as and when possible but not after very long ours because the other end person may get frustrated and may build a bad impression about you.

The other trend is, We connect with known friends, but we don't communicate with them nor they send any messages. We all just sit, Like & comment on friends Status, Images and  Share posts etc

Is this a good way to be connected with friends, Relatives and others? I don't think so.

The best way to be on Facebook is :-

  • Connect with known, unknowns only when you think of communicating with them once in a while.
  • Share good greetings among each of your friends.
  • Share good things with everyone online
  • Respect the Initiation for communication if you get it from Any newly connected friend
  • If you are really busy and Facebook tab is open just to have important conversation then at-least show a courtesy and reply back that you are "busy right now and as and when you get free or get time you will communicate or get connect for conversation."

There are many things which needs to be practiced.

Hope this article is not annoying you and made you think twice before Accepting Friends Request and before ignoring any Greetings from friends on Facebook.

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