Tuesday, April 11, 2017

MUST- Maintain Uncertain Safety Time


Buy Personal Family Health Insurance

Every human being must own a personal or family Medical / Health Insurance to safeguard his / her own as well as family member Health as well as Life. Almost every employer serves us with Family insurance under group insurance category which is beneficial and good but there are some negative points as well when it comes to claim the amount spent on Health Insurance.

1) Claim Procedure: - Sometimes, claim procedure becomes very lengthy when your employer does not believe in you and the papers you have submitted. The HR team examines the Medical paper as well as your records. If you are claiming every year for some serious health issue for one of your family members then the employer can think that you are taking advantage of Insurance facility provided by company and may reject your application OR the company which insured you through your employer/Company may reject your claim stating same reason what your Company/Employer already conveyed you directly or indirectly. Now why this happens? the reason is you are insured by third party i.e. your Employer/ Company.

2) Company's/ Employer's Financial Position : Every company travels with their Good times with profits and Bad times with less or no Profits. So if your organization is running under crisis then the atmosphere is created by default that company is not growing or is in financial crunch so we (employees) must not send papers for claims ( STRICTLY :- Any claim whether it is Mediclaim or transportation claim or any small spending on behalf of organization)  this happens with many in Employees.

3)  Sum Insured and Claim amount difference :- Every employer/Company have their choice of Medical/Health Insurance Policy in which the claim amount may be very less which may not be able to fulfill your needs in extreme emergency and you land up taking Loans or Credits from your near one. So when any employer/company provides you the health/medical insurance sum insured becomes the concern because on the amount of Sum Insured the premium amount is derived and employer/company tries to cut down the premium amount to reduce the spending on insurance year on year. The average Sum Insured amount is 3 Lacs to 5 Lacs which we need to hold on our name. Sometimes Sum Insured is divided into family members and which creates problem when it comes to claim.

Say your Employer has given you 5 Lacs Insurance and this includes your Parent (Sometimes parent are not included in family insurance as their claim becomes guaranteed because of their Age and health conditions) Wife and Children. The Sum Insured is now divided with number of family members, so, let us count family members-  Mother, Father, You, your Wife, your child, total number in your family are 5.Now, let us divide 5 Lacs with total family members number .i.e, 5 which comes to Rs. 1 Lac in each pocket which is good and comfortable for small and clinical diseases but what if any one from you need to go under surgical process at that time this One Lac rupees in counted as penny and we end up taking Loans and Credits.

4) Newly joined Company :- Few Companies/Employers keep cap on Health Insurance and don't allow employees to cover their family members initially for a year or two and afterword are allowed to include their family members. This cap system sometimes lands you in extreme bad position if any from your family gets hospitalized then the total burden comes on you or on everyone in the family and in this situation you become helpless.

So, having our own personal family Insurance is very much important then depending on our employer/ Company insurance. If we buy insurance on our own then we can alter our Mediclaim/Health Insurance year on year.

We get full rights to decide on following Matters:-

  1. Sum Insured Amount and Premium Payment
  2. Options on choosing Type of Medical insurance to Purchase
  3. Medical/Health Checkup (If required on the basis of Age)
  4. Number of Members to include
  5. Parent & your family separate Insurance
Because of all of the above reasons and problems one should spend on his/her own family Health Insurance. Instead of depending on Employer/Company we as an individual must take one step to secure our family members health by purchasing Insurance. Health insurance costs maximum 25 thousand from adult to senior citizen which will provide a sum insure of Rupees 5 to 7 Lac for citizen below 35 and 3-5 lac for citizen 45 and above ( All figures are approximate and does not give any surety of same amount for age criteria) which comes to 2 thousand rupees per month on an average. So instead of spending for parties and extra non worthy happenings do spend on your Health insurance.

Securing yourself is the most important thing in our life. So buy a personal Family Health Insurance Instead of depending on Employer/Company to serve you.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Supreme court on 31st march passed an order stating that "BS III vehicle  i.e Bharat stage III has been banned due to its emission issue.Every BS III vehicle is not allowed to manufacture and register in RTO on or after 1st April, 2017.

From 1st April,2017 onward every BS III Vehicle is a second hand vehicle because to secure and sell BS III vehicle and cut down the financial loss on 31st March after courts order issued all over India, every Dealer closed down his Sales point and started registering in the Names of someone and showed it as sold product to RTO and if you buy it after 1st April 2017 then its a BRAND NEW SECOND HAND BS III VEHICLE of which you become the Second owner of the Vehicle because someone already registered it on 31st March on his/her name.Now if you bought BS III product on 31st march at discounted price and sell it to Someone then the person after you who buy your vehicle will become a third owner and so on...

So, if buy bought a brand New BS III model Vehicle then its a second hand and you are the second owner of the Vehicle and be ready for some trouble after 6 months or Year because BS III model vehicle may not be allowed for servicing as well and you may end up  paying huge amount at Private non Authorized service center.

SO, if you end up buying any Second hand Vehicle which is a BS III vehicle model then be careful and alert.
P.S - Instead of Buying BS III Model Vehicle buy any other vehicle which is Based on BS IV Model.

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